Week 9 “Mobile Video Streaming”

This week we are exploring mobile video streaming. Live video streaming provides the ability to share events and experiences beyond physical boundaries and geographic contexts. The advent of mobile video streaming solutions brings a whole new level of access to sharing experiences without the need for costly video equipment or servers or dedicated technicians. A simple App on your mobile device connected to one of the many free streaming server platforms is enough to create a live interactive educational experience from anywhere. These mobile video streaming platforms also integrate a range of social media including Twitter for notifications and comments, and geolocation on Google Maps, and even archiving of the live stream on YouTube.
Create a project that utilizes a mobile video streaming platform such as Bambuser, Ustream, Google Hangouts On Air, or Periscope, and upload an outline and example of your project to the Project Bank. Review and rate another submitted project.
Reflect on this process on your WordPress blog.
Suggested Reading:
Educause Learning Initiative. (2008). 7 things you should know about ustream. 7 Things You Should Know About… 2008(21 October). http://www.educause.edu/library/resources/7-things-you-should-know-about-ustream
Cochrane, Thomas, Buchem, Ilona, Camacho, Mar, Cronin, Catherine, Gordon, Averill, & Keegan, Helen. (2013). Building global learning communities. Research in Learning Technology, 21(ALT-C 2013 Conference Proceedings – Building new cultures of learning), 1-13. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/rlt.v21i0.21955